XL Trailblazers Vonnie
How did you get started with Big Boy Are Cute? Well, I wanted to start something that Big Men could be proud of & express our confidence to the world. What is one good comment that stuck out to you so far? Basically every time someone lets me know that I’ve helped them concur some […]

- How did you get started with Big Boy Are Cute? Well, I wanted to start something that Big Men could be proud of & express our confidence to the world.
- What is one good comment that stuck out to you so far? Basically every time someone lets me know that I’ve helped them concur some of their insecurities. I think that’s just 1 comment that I’ll never get over no matter how many times I’m told.
- How do you manage people you say you shouldn’t be celebrating Bigger Bodies
?I literally give them none of my energy. Like at all! I have very thick skin so a lot of it doesn’t bother me but I’d rather use my time pushing the narrative of body positivity among big men. - If you could do your business all over what is one thing you would do differently? I wouldn’t change a thing. I feel like the mistakes I’ve made has really been a blessing in disguise & Now that we’re coming up on 2 years I’m really started to see that everything happens for a reason
- How do you keep the creatively flowing? I try to keep my peace at all times. That is the only way my creative juices flow naturally. If I’m not feeling ok at the moment I will literally shut everything down to get myself where I want to be mentally.

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