XL’s Featured Tribe Men Of The Week Ugn B
1. What are your biggest fashion obstacles?
My biggest fashion obstacles are finding pants that are trendy/fashion forward for big and tall men. They often fit in the waist, however are not tapered to the leg which is the current fashion trend. I tend to buy my pants and have them tailored to my liking.

2. Where are you from and how you describe your style?
My name is Eugene Bernard, (my social media sites is my name abbreviated…) I am from Houston, Texas and I describe my style as a classic/gentlemen/luxury style for the most part. I love clean lines, a nice sport coat and tapered pants/slacks/jeans. You can always catch me in a sport coat because its appropriate for almost any occasion depending on how you dress it up or down. I also like the casual look of sweatshirts and fitted jeans with nice watch, bracelet and ring accessories

3. Tell us about your biggest fashion nightmare and if it came true do explain. (attach a picture if you can)
I honestly don’t have a fashion nightmare. I once said I would die when skinny jeans became the trend and here I am completely obsessed with them now. That’s the beauty of fashion is that you can take something that might otherwise be hideous or offensive and make it fashionable.
4.What are somethings you wanna see more of from your favorite brands?
I would love to see Gucci and Louis Vuitton, or any of the high end/ popular brands cater to plus sized fashion. Many times we can create that luxury look with their accessories, but not the actual clothing.
5.Where do you see yourself in five years and how do you see yourself accomplishing it?
In five years I hope to continue doing the business of helping others live up to their greatest potential whether that be in self esteem, gaining an education, mentorship by simply exposing their God-given qualities that make them an unmatched, unique individual. One of my top 5 themes is restorative which means that I have the ability to take something or someone and restore it/them to their greatest state of being.
Ironically I have never felt like I was “great” at anything, but no matter what I was faced with, God always allowed me to knock it out the park and that is because he allowed me to see myself as he saw me which is fearlessly and wonderfully made. I may not be a supermodel by today’s tradition, but there isn’t a doubt in my mind that I am already the first self-proclaimed big and tall supermodel in my head. Lol
I want to bring that confidence to my followers, students, family and friends. Everyone has a unique quality that makes them who they are. It’s time to build from our strengths to make the world a better place.
6.What do you feel is missing in fashion for the men of size?
Variety is missing when it comes to men’s plus size fashion. There are so many sites that have amazing, trendy and fashionable clothes for the average sized man but they only go up to a certain size in most cases. It’s almost as if the world thinks that plus size men are not into fashion or that we prefer a comfortable/ relaxed look because of our size. Many of the plus size stores sites display clothes that feel like the 90s, and for younger big and tall men, clothes that are suited for our fathers like Sweater vests, roomy jeans etc, shoes with cushy soles. How about some leather pants, hipster jackets, and a good boot? Big guys want to look trendy as well!

7.If you could swap styles with one celebrity who would it be and why
I absolutely adore Scott Disick’s style. His look is so versatile. He can go from super casual to formal attire and own each segment. He is often in sweatshirts and ripped jeans but even in that moment he embodies a certain touch of luxury to his look.
Instagram: Ugnb
Facebook: Ugn Brnrd
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