Pay It Forward T.H.I.C.K. So y’all remember when I told you that the pay it forward program was gonna be the best thing ever. Well, today is that day. While this is my first time doing it on the blog it’s not my first time doing the Pay It Forward program.

The black business that I’m supporting this week is the guys over at T.H.I.C.K. T.H.I.C.K stands for (Tempting, Handsome ,Intelligent, Charming, King) it is owned by Domonique which is a really good friend of mine.

I just wanted to show you guys that number one collaboration is way better than competition. Sometimes I feel like people want us against each other. Not happening captain. I’m going to support these black businesses anyway I can. I love everything they’re doing over there at T.H.I.C.K and I just want to do my part to help spread the word. There’s not enough of us out here, so for those of us out here who are striving to make a difference, I really want to do something to help amplified Black Voices & Stories.

I’m so excited that you guys are sewing so many pay forwards seeds in to me so I can be a blessing to others . Now I have 12 photo shoots to do that means I also have 12 products to buy so far I’ve already bought 4 things from a black business. I need to find some other businesses to purchase from so if you know any GO ahead leave them below and I will get them featured on the site as well.

PS The love is mutual He also supported us . ❤️

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Hello & Good Morning,
This was a great read. I (Carlton Bradley) have been supporting the Men of T.H.I.C.K. since the very beginning and still to this day. I also support my best friend who has his own clothing line called The Faded Co. He’s on Instagram his @ is @thefadedco . Please check him out. I thank you for birthing XL TRIBE having a place for others to be introduced to the world by featuring up and coming models, fashion, website designing and more. May God continue to bless you and your platform Kirk.
God Bless,
Wow thank you Carlton. I definitely appreciate the kind words this platform us created for us by us. I’ll check out @thefadedco as well.