The Winston Box New Collection. We are back again with our Amazing sponsor the Winston box. Since the pandemic or (Panorama) a lot of us have been on FaceTime or Zoom. And, if yall are anything like me then most if not all your meeting have online and you’ve only be dressed from the waist up.

So 9 to 5 has been digital and I decided to show y’all that I can switch up my. I don’t always have my classic Street looks. I wanted to be a little corporate so I hope you like this new look.
Jacket: Perry Ellis (Burlington)
Shirt: The Winston Box
Pants: The Gap
Shoes: Burlington
Ohhh The Winston Box it brings back so many memory’s for me. It was one of the first brands we worked with and still supporting us today. The Winston Box is a Big & Tall subscription service that delivers a new box every month of the latest trends. Head over to to save $15 off your first box by using code “KIRK15” at checkout.
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