XL Saturday Stories Love, Heartache, Reborn
Last weeks XL Saturday Story with Iman Moore was about a weight loss journey this week is about rising from the ashes to soar higher than ever before.
You ever wonder how things come together without you even noticing. Sometimes we can be on top and then hit rock bottom so fast you would think you just jumped. How about when you finally find true love but yet you’re In love alone. Sounds familiar right?! I was in love with a man who I thought I was his world, but yet I was in his world. Did I just go from love to heartache in a matter of months and then months turn into years. Not knowing that I was a chess piece in his world of men. So now I’m heartbroken and single, so now what?
Crying all the time, gaining weight, not caring about anything or anyone. That would include me. Now how can I fix this? The simplest thing can make the biggest change. I got down on hands and knees and prayed to be healed. When I tell you God works in many ways, he sure does. A new job, new move, new life, and new adventures opened up. Lost the weight, got myself together, build a business, found love within me and found my voice. It’s never the end or too late for anyone to be what they want to be. With hard work, God, love, and sacrifice anything is possible.
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