Outfit Of The Week: I Have A New Show

We are officially 16 days into the new year and I’m excited. My new talk show called Society Talks is out and live for the world to see. I’m super excited about this opportunity to actually video my idea and opinion with my two co-hosts Tiana and Crystal of Society Of Harlow.
I’d Love for you’ll to check out the show on Youtube Or Facebook and tell us what you’ll think. Id love your feedback were trying to get picked up as a Facebook Watch show or as a national network show.
At the end of 2018, I set out a plan to make the most money I’d ever seen in my life. So the fact that in the first 16 days of the year I have managed to put myself in a place where I can be seen to make that money is just a blessing. So for those of you’ll who aren’t caught up with last weeks post I talked about my four major goals. One of them I’m dropping today.
I want to create monthly recurring revenue so I thought of all the ways I could provide a service that was both beneficial to you and me and then it hit me. What if I created a Monthly Creative Package so my influencers, bloggers and store owners can take advantage of? Well, it’s 2019 and its time to level up your content and create more consistently. If you have been wondering how can do more in 2019 this plan is how. Social media experts say you should post at least once a day. So imagine if you had enough content to post 2-3 times per day what that would do to your brand or business.
Get Your Package Now. You get either the $200 a month and get up to 6 looks or pay $400 and get up to 12 looks and $600 a month for unlimited.
Glasses: Gifted
Jacket: Gifted
Sweater: The Winston Box
Pants: MVP USA
Shoes: Sears

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